Cognitive Assessments & Profiling

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Note: A one-time startup fee of $799 applies for first-time customers. This fee includes assistance for the first three individual profiles to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.

✓ A rich individual profile report
✓ Requirement specification
✓ Dashboard – sorting, filtering and matching of candidates
✓ Personalized video tutorial for both user and candidate
✓ Customer success
✓ Assisted onboarding

Always included

Traditional assessments

Combine with cognitive test or buy seperately

Personality ++

€ 99 per questionnaire
50% off when bundled with Cognitive test

  • Besides big five personality traits also capturing Empathy, Focus on details, Social style, Impulsivity, and Emotional regulation. Traits that research show are crucial for understanding individuals.

Logic test

€ 99 per test
50% off when bundled with Cognitive test

  • A non-verbal assessment based on Raven's Progressive Matrices. Designed to measure abstract reasoning ability and problem-solving skills.

Additional services

Empower people on a deeper level

  • Benefit from our expertise to get the most out of the profile.

  • Assistance in Training & setup. Individual/team validation & feedback. Action plan.

  • Use our services in: Final selection. 2nd opinion. Volume testing & deselection.

  • We offer training as standalone & open or customised & integrated in other programs.

  • Secure a brain friendly workplace by prediction, prevention, adaption & optimisation. Based on the high demands on thinking capacity & understanding individual variation.

  • Enrich your understanding by collecting & combining cognitive data with existing HR-, performance- and other data to drastically increase precision in talent management.

  • Our partners operate in sectors like Sports, Education & development, Talent management, Wellness & health and Analytics.

  • Integrate our tools in your platform to boost & leverage your offer to new and existing customers.